Program Ideas and Annoucements
Ships within a region (Flotilla) or nation (Fleet) can swap cruising grounds with one another.  One unit hosts a unit for a long 4-day weekend or a 7 day summer cruise followed by the reverse role; the other unit then hosts those crew members.  The advantage of an Exchange Cruise is that crew members get to experience new cruising territories, vessel designs, operational formats, and forge contacts and friendships with new shipmates. 

We hope in the near future to feature photos and sea stories on Units offering expanded cruising experiences to their crews via the Exchange Cruise Program.

Future Exchange Cruise Opportunities

Cruise Dates    Interested Unit     Cruising Location     Type of Vessel     Capacity     Contact/Details
An Example of an Exchange Cruise:
Intrepid crew (CA) drives to Portland to cruise the Columbia River (Oregon) and Reliant crew (Portland, OR) then drives down to the Bay Area to cruise the San Francisco Bay (CA).
Crew members can have amazing experiences with creative program ideas. This section is dedicated to fostering those outstanding training and high adventure possibilities.  

For example, as a former crew member, I will never forget the Summer of 1975.  That was the year of three summer cruises for a combined three long-cruise bars.  First, a ten-day run up the San Francisco Delta aboard our 64 foot ex-Navy Box L boat known as the Boxer.  Then in July a four-week cruise aboard a 63 foot ex-Navy AVR vessel known as the Captain Wrucke.  We cruised from Palo Alto down the Coast to San Diego, returned, and then up to the Delta for the annual rendezvous at Hogback with stops all along the coast.  And finally, a seven-day cruise aboard the 28 foot sloop Tortoise on the San Francisco Bay.  All of this was only possible because of the foresight of Skippers who offered crew members shared cruising experiences and other adventure options.
Option 1 - Exchange Cruise
Option 2 - Open Berth Program
Sea Scout Shipmates