Task Force Cruise
A Task Force Cruise is composed of either all power or all sail Unit Vessels.  This is a unique training exercise modeled after Naval Task Force practices.  Authored by former Skipper Nations of the Barclay Stephens of Alameda California, Ship's crews learn the value of communication skills (Code Flags, Semaphore, Morse Code) and managing a series of underway drills (cruising in formation, fire, towing, man-overboard, collision, abandon ship).

If you would like to  learn more about forming your own Task Force Cruise, email this site and we will send you all the details.  

For those planning a Task Force Cruise, please email the date and place so we can post your Task Force Cruise to increase participation within your area.

We also welcome photos of your Task-Force cruise as we document another excellent leadership, knowledge, and training activity.

Future Task-Force Cruise Announcments
Future Task-Force Cruise Photos